The Bold Living Blog

Life is too important to be taken seriously

Dec 01, 2024

We worry too much, we talk — A LOT, we plan, we run, we strategize, we write, we set goals, then hate ourselves for not hitting those goals, we eat, we love- people, pizza, puppies, we fly planes, we fry things, we dance in front of the camera, we use funny filters, and get virtual followers, we go to work, we stay at home, we build businesses, we fail businesses, we breathe, we sleep, we watch motion pictures on screens.

We get concerned with how life is now, we worry how it will be tomorrow, and we wish it were different in the past, we aim to improve who we are now in hopes of a different tomorrow, we study physics, we believe in imaginary Gods, we learn new things, build new skills, we explore, travel, desire, dread, like things, dislike things, we get confused, we get clarity, we fall down, we get back up, we buy clothes, laugh with friends, brainstorm ideas, we take action and we procrastinate… We think — a LOT.

We are so busy trying to solve the “things of life” not realizing that life is a game to be enjoyed, not a problem to be solved. Yet, we take ourselves way too seriously and we worry about things almost as if we have any control over them. We get into a fixer-mode at the slightest sign of discomfort ignorantly believing that life must always organize itself to fit our subjective idea of happiness artificially constructed by the ego.

Isn’t it funny how much unnecessary suffering we create for ourselves by doing that?

Oscar Wilde once said: “Life is much too important to be taken seriously.”

Indeed it is.

We have mistaken our human avatar for the real deal and we have placed such great importance on the character, forgetting that it is all just a game.

“The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.”’ — Alan Watts

So how do we start seeing life as something to enjoy, rather than something to fix?

That’s yet another game to play! It’s a game of continuously realizing your divine nature and busting loose from the illusion through surrender.


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