The Bold Living Blog

The Art of Believing in Yourself: Turning Fear into Freedom

Dec 01, 2024

To paint the canvas of your life with the most inspiring magic that your mind can dream of, you have to believe in yourself.

But like really BELIEVE in yourself.

Not just repeating affirmations or hyping yourself up for success (although there is nothing wrong with that) but KNOW, TRUST, and LOVE yourself so damn much that creating your dream life feels like a gift from you to you just for how fucking awesome you are.

Build such deep and solid self-trust and belief in yourself that when YOU come up to your own mind when you think of achieving your dreams — you rest assured that you’ve got your own back to make things happen.

Not just that you’ve got your own back but that you are really the only person that you can rely on to bring you through the river of emotional crap to the other side of the manifestation of your dream life.

Fear and the Illusions We Create

Photo by Nick Reynolds on Unsplash

Many of us waste so much time waiting for someone to save us. Waiting for some miraculous breakthrough to happen. Waiting for someone to discover us. Waiting for someone to carry the heaviness of the emotional crap we must face in order to achieve our dreams not realizing that nobody can do that for us.

Others cannot face the fear that you need to face in order to create the life that you dream of!

We stay in the convenient place of believing we have potential and surround ourselves with people who also believe in our potential but we don’t dare to actually take the scary leap forward in fear that we might prove ourselves wrong.

So we stay stuck in the phase of “trying” to make it work, “waiting” for some miracle breakthrough to happen, waiting for the right moment, mentor, and opportunity to present itself so that our potential can finally be unleashed in its fullness.

Until then, we only keep scratching the surface of our potential not really going all in on what we truly want, not taking the great scary leap forward because we fear. We fear so much.

We fear failure.

We fear success.

We fear rejection.

We fear embarrassment.

We fear abandonment.

We fear so much and we have no clue how to deal with fear!

We don’t know how to step up, face the fear, and make things happen. Nobody teaches us how to deal with our emotions, how to consciously process them and allow them to pass through our system — surrendering completely into it so that we can be liberated from our own chains.

Discomfort Is the Path to Freedom

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

~ Anaïs Nin

Emotions are simply vibrations in the body. They are completely harmless. Yet we go and run away in great fear trying to avoid feeling the discomfort.

But there comes a moment in which we realize that all of the excuses we’ve been making and all of the limitations we’ve been imagining hold us back are just an illusion — it’s all made up. It’s a self-created box of illusionary limitations we stuffed our limitless being in to keep it “safe”.

Safe from the discomfort of failure, disappointment, success, rejection, judgment but also safe from joy, bliss, fulfillment, and unprecedented happiness from living in one’s truth and experiencing one’s full potential.

There is no amount of discomfort we can experience from taking the leap forward that will be more painful than the constant, dull, nagging torture of knowing you are meant for so much more than you allow yourself to be.

Discomfort is not something to avoid. It is something to process as you move deeper in your evolution.

It’s about developing a mindset that allows us to move through the discomfort, let it be, and stay aware of what you make the discomfort mean as you experience it.

You choose your own truth

It’s not the emotion that holds us back — it’s the meaning that we give it. So we must stay CONSCIOUS of what we make those emotions mean and CHOOSE interpretations that serve our growth instead of hinder it.

There is no meaning that’s inherently true about any experience. Any meaning is a subjective perception of the circumstances we experience.

For instance, if you feel extreme fear simply at the thought of showing up on social media, you might believe that it’s the fear that's holding you back but it’s not the fear per se as that’s simply a vibration in the body that you give MEANING to.

What is the thought associated with the fear?

That could be something like: “I am going to say something so stupid that everyone will laugh at me, I will be forever ridiculed and nobody will ever take me seriously”

Whatever it is, it’s clear that if it is holding you back, it is not serving you so,


You choose your own truth.

And pay attention now that whatever “but it’s not that simple” sentence your mind created when you read that, it’s another meaning that you give to this situation. It doesn’t matter what “appears to be real” — things are as real as you believe them to be. Choose to believe in things that are supportive of your evolution.

Let me say it again (for dramatic effect 💃)

You choose your own truth.

Mindset: Sculpting the Raw Clay of Your Thoughts

Photo by Courtney Cook on Unsplash

When it comes to mindset work, it’s not about waking up at 5 am, hyping yourself up for success, repeating affirmations, and learning formulas and strategies to trick your mind into something (although I think those are GREAT for those who are just too lazy to stay conscious so they must do the repetitive forceful unconscious work)

[that was also me for the longest time and it is still me in many cases]

In my opinion, mind-set work is simply about how your mind is set, or since we use the word “work” perhaps we should be talking about an action: how are we setting our mind”.

In and of itself this sentence is already suggestive of the fluctuant nature of the mind.

The mind is like raw clay — fluid, adaptable, and full of potential. By consciously silencing its meaningless chatter, choosing empowering interpretations, and embracing the discomfort that accompanies action, you can sculpt it into a tool for creating your most authentic, fulfilling life.


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