The Bold Livin Blog

What happens if there is nothing to worry about?

Dec 01, 2024

What happens if there’s nothing to worry about? ⁣

⁣Think about it for a second. ⁣

⁣What if everything you ever wanted or will ever want was already here right here, right now? ⁣

⁣There is nothing for you to do anymore. Nothing to stress about. Nothing to pursue. ⁣

⁣All of your efforts to achieve that worry-free peaceful life are no longer needed. It is done. ⁣

⁣Well, if you close your eyes and take a moment to really imagine that, you will realize it feels odd in your body. ⁣

⁣It’s unfamiliar, it almost doesn’t feel “right”. You might actually feel a tingling sensation in your body that feels weird. It’s new, strange. ⁣

And if you get even more honest with yourself, you might admit that you actually like the struggle. You like the chase of things you believe are something “out there” that you want to get. You like the stress. ⁣

⁣It somehow makes you feel productive. It makes you feel like you are doing the “right” thing. It feels like you are putting in the necessary, praise-worthy “hard work” to eventually get what you want, and create a peaceful life

⁣The truth is that the struggle, hard work, hustle, and constant pursuit of something feels familiar so you would always choose that over a worry-free, peaceful life. ⁣

⁣We SAY we want that peaceful, worry-free life but we really don’t. What we want is the chase, the struggle, the stress because that is familiar. We would do anything to sabotage ourselves in order to remain in struggle (that’s a hard pill to swallow, I know). ⁣

⁣But if you open yourself to the possibility of the truthfulness of this statement, you might actually break free from the limitations of your ego and realize your true power. ⁣

⁣So ask yourself. Do you constantly search for this one secret thing (strategy, offer, business opportunity, mindset, etc) to finally achieve your breakthrough but you never seem to find it? ⁣

There are opportunities that cross your path and you get excited about them, feeling that this could be the key to you finally achieving your success but then there’s always something that “goes wrong” and makes it not work so you’re back to your chase. ⁣

It doesn’t matter what “goes wrong”, what’s important is that you get back in the chase. ⁣

Photo by Nattu Adnan on Unsplash

So what if you don’t? What if you don’t go back in the chase?⁣

What if you choose to remain in the discomfort of that new, odd tingling sensation in the body and be delusional enough to believe that you, in fact, do have everything you ever wanted and there’s nothing else for you left to do or worry about?⁣

Woosh, that feels scary!⁣

But here’s the thing. The reality that you choose to experience in your human life is relative anyway. ⁣

Whether you choose a reality of lack, chase, and struggle, or you choose a beautiful, abundant, worry-free reality is the same because none of it is even real. ⁣

Neither reality you choose is better or worse — they are just different. It’s about which reality you want to experience in your human life. ⁣


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