The Bold Living Blog

Why Trying to Make Money Doesn’t Make Us Any and Why “Following Our Bliss” Unlocks the Secrets of Abundance

Dec 01, 2024

It’s interesting how some things in life seem to work completely backward. And if we pay just a little attention, we might be able to see it. 👀

For example, we are made to believe that work gets us money, yet we look around and see so many hard-working people barely making any. 💼💸

We are told to work hard to earn enough money to then be able to afford to have some fun. The majority of the world finds almost no pleasure in the work they do. They hustle and endure misery for most of their life to experience fleeting moments of pleasure, while others achieve tremendous success and prosperity by doing none of the hustling and all of the fun! 🎢🌟

Pay attention here: I didn’t use the word “work” but “hustle,” because those who achieved tremendous success by having fun DO work, but not in the traditional sense. They do not separate fun and work. 💡🎉

Here’s what most of us get wrong: we think work and play are mutually exclusive. We think we must do one to deserve or earn the other, and that is just a ridiculous idea created by society. 🤔❌

The purpose of human existence is not a dreadful experience to be endured for a glimpse of fleeting pleasure. 🌍✨

Work is what we do when we follow our bliss. And fun is what we have along the way whilst doing the work. 🎨🚀

The English words ‘work’ and ‘labour,’ along with the French one ‘labeur,’ all come from the Latin verb laborare, which means: cultivate, administer in order to highlight, enhance what one realizes or produces. 📜🌱

You see, that is the action we undertake to highlight or cultivate a realization. In other words, it is the activity that follows when we submit to the creative downloads we receive, aka when we “follow our bliss.” 🎇💫

What does it mean to follow one’s bliss? It means doing that which your soul desires even when it doesn’t make sense or it doesn’t seem to be “contributing” to your current goals or agenda. 🌈💖

Yet again, it is in the seeming paradox of things that we find truth and meaning. 🔄🔍

What appears meaningless to the human mind almost always magically orchestrates the perfect circumstances for us to create a life beyond our wildest imagination. 🧩🌠

So, is it true that when we try so hard to make money we hardly ever make any, and when we simply have fun and follow our creative downloads things seem to just happen for us? 🌌💵

According to my understanding of the nature of reality and my personal experience, this is indeed the truth. 🌟✅

When I was taking action with the mere aim of making money, I hardly ever made any but lost time, energy, and creative flow. ⏳💔

When I paired creative flow and inspiration with the agenda to make money, I saved some of my energy and perhaps made a little bit more money. ⚖️💡

And when I didn’t even think about making money but simply followed my bliss, I effortlessly manifested money and opportunities into my life. 🌟💰

Doesn’t such a thing go against everything we’ve been taught about making money? 🤔📚

Follow the white rabbit… 🐇🔍

In my experience, I’ve tried hard to make money numerous times in the coaching industry by creating programs and products that I believed there was demand for and that would, therefore, make me money. 💼🛠️

When the main objective in my mind was to produce something for the sake of making a business out of it, not only did it completely burn me out, but it also sucked the energy and creativity out of me and gave me anxiety. 😫🔋

Plus, it always took me way too long to create because I was preoccupied with worrying about whether it was good enough. There was so much doubt and fear, and it rarely produced any meaningful results for me or the people who purchased. (I was operating from ego consciousness) 🤯😔

On the other hand, each time I simply followed my bliss without the aim to make money, things effortlessly happened. 🌈✨

For example, there was this one time when I got super inspired to create a masterclass on the topic of faith and effortless manifestation. It was really not related to my productivity niche at the time or what my clientele knew me for, but I just didn’t care. I didn’t even think about whether it would sell or not. 🎓💭

It was just a creative download looking for expression, and I let it be. There was so much creative energy pouring out of me that it eventually turned into a course. 📚🚀

I didn’t try to make money out of it — I simply shared what I did with people in my circle, and they effortlessly purchased it without me having to convince anyone, push them, follow up with them, or bombard them with targeted marketing messages — it just happened, naturally. 💌🛍️

The responses I got from the people who went through the course were astonishing! One lady told me that she had invested in tons of courses in her life, and this was hands down the best she ever saw. 😲🏆

Another client told me that the content of my course was so profound that it should be taught in schools. 📚🌟

Well, I never intended any of that. I simply followed my bliss without letting my ego mind argue that creative download away, disregarding it as something unimportant and unrelated to the “making money” agenda because it didn’t “fit” anywhere in the marketing or business plan. 🌐🧠

It came to my attention that I wasn’t really the only one who’s had such an experience, and for sure it wasn’t a once-in-a-while lucky occasion that happens to a select “few.” 🌟👥

Recently, I had the opportunity to meet an incredibly successful business owner and serial entrepreneur who has quite literally lost count of the businesses he owns. 🏢💼

The other day, we sat down and had a very long, profound conversation on what it takes for one to create incredible success and an unbelievable amount of money in their life. 🗣️💬

As a 27-year-old aspiring entrepreneur, I used that opportunity to ask him anything and everything I could think of so that I could find the golden nuggets and secrets of success! 💡🔑

He is a man in his 60s who’s experienced a lot and created incredible things in his life, so he had a lot to say from his perspective. One thing that struck me, though, was when he told me that each time he tried to make money and started a business with the only intent to make money out of it, not only did he never make any, but he also lost a lot along the way. 😮❌

I was very intrigued and naturally asked him, “Okay, but then how did you make so much money?” 🧐💬

He told me that it was simply following opportunities that seemed interesting to him and having fun with them with no other agenda. WOW. That just further confirms my understanding of the nature of reality and our role as creators. We render our own reality each “way” we look. The more we “look,” the more we create. 🌟👀

Therefore, the very pursuit of something affirms it is not already here. Why would we try so hard to make money if we already have it? Really, think about it. 💭💵

That’s why you hear stories of people saying that the moment they LET GO, things just naturally happen. 👐🌈

That is why. Also, because putting so much importance on something creates a disbalance in the Universe, and that disbalance must be, and it always is, restored through the elimination of the thing that caused it (not the human but the object of attention). ⚖️🔄

So you see, effortless manifestation doesn’t exclude work, it excludes hustle. Work is simply the activities we undertake when we follow our bliss. 🌟🏃‍♂️

I am going to leave you here with a quote that fits well with our topic for today from the Bhagavad Gita (a 700-verse Hindu scripture, part of the Mahabharata):

“You have the right to work, but for the work’s sake only. You have no right to the fruits of work. Desire for the fruits of work must never be your motive in working. Never give way to laziness, either.

Perform every action with your heart fixed on the Supreme Lord. Renounce attachment to the fruits. Be even-tempered in success and failure: for it is this evenness of temper which is meant by yoga.

Work done with anxiety about results is far inferior to work done without such anxiety, in the calm of self-surrender. Seek refuge in the knowledge of Brahma. They who work selfishly for results are miserable.” ― Bhagavad Gita 📜🙏



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