Success Formula Found, but Happiness is Still Hiding!

Success Formula Found, but Happiness is Still Hiding!

Isn't it crazy how we still live unhappy and unfulfilled lives when we have the formula for success?

Honestly, the road to success is NOT a secret.

Literally, thousands of successful people have written books about it, have spoken about it, they have painted about it.

In every successful story, there's a repeatable pattern that you can follow to reach your desired level of success.

Wealthy and accomplished people have given us the road to success in our hands and yet we don't listen!

I used to be of those people who was reading a lot of self-help books, learning about success, personal development, and making money, and whatever it is I would read or hear, there'd always be that part about mindset and how important it is..

"It all starts within", "If you want to change your life, you have to change yourself", "Your thoughts matter", "Your thoughts create your reality", blah blah blah.

Okay, that's all good but where's the serious stuff I need to do? What do I ACTUALLY need to do to get successful?

I get it, mindset is important, but you can't tell me that repeating my affirmations, and visualizing my dream reality is gonna change my life. OKAY Maybe that applies to other people, but I wasn't THAT naive.. 


So I wiould always skip or give little to no importance to the mindset part of the "steps to success".

I thought that itโ€™s better to do the business side of things, you know, the things that can actually get me money, and then, if I have time, I'll do some of the mindset work.

Well, let me tell you something. I tried that for 2 years with NO results. Do you know why?

Because I didn't f**ng listen to the very straightforward advice that successful people give:


If they have made billions of dollars and they claim that mindset is crucial to success, why did I think I knew better?

Anyway, after 2 years of nothing happening in my business, the frustration got to me, and I decided to try the things I'd never tried before.

And I began receiving the things I'd never had before.

My life and my business have completely changed after I started implementing the mindset work. It's cliche, I know.

But there's a reason why everyone won't shut up about it. Because it works!

I hope that inspires you to take some massive action today and prioritize the mindset work while going after your wildest dreams. There's nothing outside your reach if you believe you can have it. 

You've got this ;)