Will 2023 be a successful year for you? (accurate prediction)

Will 2023 be a successful year for you? (accurate prediction)

I remember the first time I got the idea of starting my own coaching business it was in 2020. I was so freaking excited about the whole vision I had for creating impact, financial abundance, and freedom. ⁣⁣


So I started researching things, joining all sorts of webinars, programs, courses, learning stuff, doing all sorts of unnecessary tasks... ⁣⁣


Time was passing by.. I was focusing on things that didn't matter for moving the needle forward in my business.. ⁣⁣


Website updates, landing pages, beautiful social media profiles, the perfect program outline, etc... it felt productive but it really wasn't.. ⁣⁣


I was procrastinating on the s**t that I really had to do to make money and take this business off the ground.. ⁣⁣


Actually putting myself out there, creating content, getting on sales calls, and actually offering my services. ⁣⁣


I knew what I had to do... but I just couldn't do it. ⁣⁣


I felt inadequate for my seeming inability to just do it! ⁣⁣


I was listening to motivational tapes to get myself started but I would just get a little surge of energy that would last a maximum of a day and I would find myself stuck in the same cycle of procrastination all over again. ⁣⁣


Well, long story short. I didn't wrap up 2021 with a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. It sucked. I had no results to show. No success. No money. No accomplishments. ⁣⁣


And the reason is simple. To get results you need to take ACTION. Consistently. Build discipline to keep going every day. And I didn't.⁣⁣


Now back to the accurate prediction for 2023. Here it is: ⁣⁣


If you take action toward your goals consistently, you will achieve them.⁣⁣


If you don't, you will be in the same place in 2023, 2024, and 2025...⁣⁣


That's the 100% accurate GUARANTEED prediction for the new year! ⁣⁣


You really don't need to prepare more, learn more, or perfect things more. You are wasting time and you know it. ⁣⁣


You need to start taking scary action. ⁣⁣That is what moves the needle forward and creates results in your life.