What is it? 

​6 private (50 mins) one-on-one coaching sessions every 10 days (for eight weeks)

What we can work on together?

  • ONE goal - 8 weeks - Relentless Action 
  • Breaking the habit of procrastination 
  • Boost productivity & Build discipline
  • Creating quick results in your life and business
  • Learn Time Management & Emotional Management
  • Clear crappy limiting beliefs and make room for empowering ones
  • Receive unlimited accountability and support to stay on track with your goals

This is not the place for expecting yourself to get a year’s worth of work done in 8 weeks.  We are going to pick one goal and focus on it!

Your investment:

What is it like working with me 1-1? 😜

Working with me 1-1 is all about creating clarity around your dream life and working relentlessly toward achieving that while in the meantime learning how to kick procrastination’s ass, maintain productivity, and stay consistent.

My approach to help you beat procrastination is based on a 4-piece formula that has to do with:

  1. Clarity

  2. Purpose

  3. Beliefs

  4. Emotions

Our job together will be to make these 4 elements work in harmony in your life as that will produce natural motivation and drive for you to get into action at will and stay productive without force.

Clarity and purpose are the first things we will work on so we can lay a solid foundation for the deeper work to come which is the beliefs and the emotions. That is not to say that you will need a long time before you can overcome procrastination. In fact, we can easily create an instant shift around procrastination even in first session!

However, as you know for any change to last, it takes time and effort. The human mind is a curious mystery which requires time and special attention to accept change. And this is also extremely different for each unique individual so we want to approach it with patience and compassion.

My coaching approach is more like a partnership- me and you, working TOGETHER toward achieving your goals. Such relationship is highly transformational and valuable. Once we commit to such relationship, we are going full in.

Here is what you can expect from me:

  • I will be there to hold you accountable every step of the way while coaching you through your limiting beliefs and obstacles that might be making it hard for you to take action or stay consistent.

  • I will help you get to know yourself better and your own procrastination triggers as we dive deeper in our coaching sessions so you can build the skills to independently coach yourself when needed.

  • You will get my unconditional, non-judgemental, and loving support but also my firm hand that challenges you to push your boundaries and get out of your comfort zone.

  • Things will come up. Old memories, limiting beliefs, deeply hidden things that you’ve stuffed in your subconscious mind that have sabotaged you without you even knowing, difficult emotions, doubt, resistance, fear. These are all the things that come with the whole “Next Level Package”. Change is not easy. That’s why I will be there for you so you don’t have to do this all alone.

  • You will have me as your wonderwall to lean on when things get hard as well as your best bud to share the excitement of your wins when you have them-big or small.

  • I will be there to hold your hand as I bring you through a transformation so smooth and life-changing that will blow your mind when you turn back in a few months from now.

  • You will get all the tools that you need to develop your self-awareness, manage your emotions and your time better to stay productive and consistent with expanding your new identity and creating your new reality.

  • You will receive access to text and video materials that will help you work through the challenges that come up, get clarity, process emotions, and shift limiting beliefs.

Here's what I expect from you:

  • I expect that you fully commit to creating the change you want in your life and show up for yourself 100%.

We work together to create the changes that you want to see in your life. Whether it is for one deep dive session, 8 weeks or 6 months, we will have our focus sharp and locked on the end goals while we take relentless action and crush every obstacle on the way to success